Jumat, 09 Juli 2010

Tips and tricks to remove the scar

How to / Tips Eliminate Burn Scar Light - Minimize stain
Black On Skin Due to Burn Muffler, pan, etc. Basically scars that arise in each person varies depending on the collagen of our skin. Therapies that there are quite a lot. From start to act of surgical cream


If the keloid (hypertrophic scar or scars) that interfere should indeed be eliminated, but it can not be 100% perfect as usual. Management of the therapy depends on the size of the wound and the type of wound. And most importantly, be patient and doctors who do so should continue to follow-up treatment.

On burns, it is now widely used intralesional verapamil hydrochloride (injected into the scar). However, these treatments are emerging. This drug is an anti-hypertensive muasalnya, but in some recent studies can be used to reduce and even prevent the occurrence of keloids.

If we had just suffered minor burns as exposed to motor exhaust hot or burning frying pan on the stove, we must immediately deal with that injury does not leave a mark or at least minimize the ex-posed.
The trick, immediately soak the injured part into water with normal temperature (± 27 ° C) for about 5-10 minutes. It is intended that the temperature of the wound immediately neutral, because the part is experiencing an increase in temperature. After that, just apply a special ointment burns whose quality is guaranteed. Apply in accordance with a regular user, surely smooth your skin back to normal.
There are still some people who believe the myth to overcome the burn by applying a wound with soy sauce, butter, oil, and even toothpaste. In fact, it actually resulted in infected wounds, difficult to recover, and imprint.
Surely a way can eliminate / minimize the scars inflicted.
Tips on How to Overcome / Eliminate Stains Scar Skin With Drug / Herb Traditional
If we are injured or bleeding is usually precisely that we worry about whether the resulting scar will be lost or make a former lifetime. Different ways to remove stains taken scars as most people would be embarrassed if the scars are stained is seen a lot of people. Maybe can try this simple way, who knows could be lost or at least help diminish scars.
To make a potion stain remover scar usual way is to soak the rice as much as half an ounce for 15 minutes, remove and then mashed together with a half ounce kencur. Once destroyed equally apply to the scar us every day for two weeks. Good luck to treat / remove nodal your wound.
Having scars or dark blotches often makes us feel confident guns. Moreover,'ve tried many products really satisfactory outcome guns! Here are some tips on removing acne scars and simple manner.
Tip 1. Daun kapok
Take several sheets of kapok leaves, wash them clean. Compress or injuries that have left the area clean with warm water with antiseptic soap. Rub the leaves on the imprint. Repeat several times and do 2 times a day. You can also grind or blend the leaves and rub on the scar. Remember, if you feel itching discontinue use!.
Tip 2. Tea stale
Take a tea that has been stale or unused. When using tea bags, open the packaging until the leaves appear. Rub the tea on the body that there is a scar. Do it like being gulp down parts of the body. Let stand briefly about 10-15 minutes. Perform routine at least twice a week.
Tip 3. Fruit pare
Take the bitter melon fruit, mashed and take water or juice. Mix the rice flour with water to form a creamy. Rinse the scar to be removed with warm water. Apply regularly on the scar. This herb can also be done to whiten the face or body.
Tip 4. Egg white
Take part in the egg whites. Separate and add honey and stir until evenly distributed. Apply on the scars are routine. This herb can also be used to remove spots on face.
Tip 5. Rice
Soak rice for 15 minutes, remove and mash until smooth. Mash until smooth kencur some fruit and mix with the rice earlier. After flattening Dab on the scar every day for two weeks.
Tip 6. Shallots
Take one suing red onion, grated until smooth. After a smooth paste on the scars are. Shallots can also be used to heal burns, keloids and ulcers.
Tip 7. Toothpaste [toothpaste]
Believe it or not, toothpaste containing bleach can remove the scar. Do I apply as often as possible on the scar to be removed. Let stand for 15-30 minutes on a regular basis. Clean with warm water.

For you who want to eliminate existing acne scars merah2 tips nih

* Morning:
Wash your face with regular soap you used, keep this magic potion pake baking soda [sodium bicarbonate] one teaspoon mixed with enough water, wipe the entire face while massage halus.terus rinse thoroughly. after that take the Apple Cider Vinegar [ACV] / apple vinegar you can dapetin in supermarkets. mixed with water using a ratio of 1:8, a teaspoon of ACV mixed with 8 teaspoons of water, and apply to the entire face using cotton. wait up to 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly. kalo pake sunblock go out of the house.
* Evening:
Wash your face as usual, then pake mask: whites + lemon juice [bit ONLY!] Oles whole face, let sit for 15 minutes, continue to rinse until clean. trus you can ngasi acne medication is right for you [if there are 1 or 2 masi acne]
Those are some Tips Eliminate Acne Scar and you can try a regular basis, hopefully the scars and pimples on your face quickly disappear .... good luck with it. continue to do not forget comment

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1 komentar: on "Tips and tricks to remove the scar"

sandy mengatakan...

wuih,,banyak tipsnya,,,

makasih ya