Sabtu, 03 September 2011

How to fight laziness

 Apartment in a state of chaos in the kitchen, a mountain of dirty dishes, messy desk, the project failed, and you'll have to work tomorrow. It seems a bit excessive, but you really have to finish it, but you still have not decided where to start

. Consider your favorite sites, blogs of your friends, looking for places to visit, read something interesting. And if you really really wonder what's on facebook somehow not enough on-line.

 In general, everything is bad and unpleasant, some desire to attack. And maybe even some movies for the watch?
. What should I do?

sounds familiar, right? What can I say, "congratulations", it - laziness. Yes, it is laziness. He was secretly going to win. Laziness First connect the arms and legs, covering the rest of the ordinary, then gradually reach your fullest. And you do not have time to recover, as we are completely in his power.

This is because of laziness is very often makes you start to become depressed, even if the obvious reasons for this.
A very severe cases, some individuals manage lazy to think. Discomfort, right? somehow get rid of. This is from you now

How to spot a sloth?

Laziness is accompanied by apathy and imaginary you need to focus on yourself and start a fight with laziness.
For example, if you see that your vacation is delayed or the other should end up 3-4 days earlier. you deserve for 3-4 days to worry if you practically do not do anything or even do not know dikemana going. Very often, accompanied by general acute attack of laziness, I emphasize, an imaginary disease. Only one sign of laziness, when you start to get annoyed with or without cause, is always something you want, but you can not understand what it is. A more melancholy and apathy is your faithful friend. If you present all of the above symptoms, you should get out of this country, because all the good it will not.
I'm not going to lie, there is only one effective way to get rid of laziness - it works. I want to mention one remarkable property: we just need to get started and he will pull you down in themselves. But start with just what is most difficult, especially in a state of the parasite. For the most successful struggle against laziness to start small, and do everything in stages.

The first phase of struggle against laziness: workspace

To make yourself do something, to start a point of order in the workplace in order to get yourself at least something to do, you need a workspace that is free. And it really should work. For starters, you can simply remove from the table all items that are unnecessary and irrelevant. Collect and combine all the documents prepared book. But notice how you do it. When I say "that place", I mean, to provide space for a particular object, and not the first had a box, which you can safely throw a lot of "junk" and forget about it.
Assume that we are finished table and surrounding areas. Now let's look at the overall look of the room. Maybe you need something to lie in the closet place to fix something or something is wrong. It is very important to get around is the order, saving you the opportunity to once again divert attention from the job.
And then there is not some alien thing, you still will not carry over.
It is also worth paying attention to yourself. Wear comfortable clothing and suitable for you, wash. May still decide to have breakfast? Only in recent days spread fairly strange situation: The first reflex of the body falls out of bed sleepy - to reach the power button. And just sit in front of the monitor, slowly began to open up your eyes. Somehow we have to connect the Internet and poke the mouse icon on ICQ. And then somehow forget that there is a bathroom, shower, and that people usually have breakfast in the morning. But when you remember that you need something to eat, you are surprised to see that in principle it is possible and dinner. Where is time?

The second phase of struggle against laziness: let us remember the time

Plan your time so that important things are done in time Here you stumble upon another trap of laziness. You just forget how valuable your time and do not watch. Nothing is done, you need to remember.
You have produced the order of your workplace and yourself, now is the time to look at the clock. Agree, because you think it brings much more. And in fact, all came relatively quickly.
Now our task - it is right to plan and calculate the time. First, you need to determine the goals and objectives to date. You need to take the project tomorrow, or perhaps to prepare for an important meeting. Then you have to do it in the first place, and it should start with him. Here everyone can find their own, an infinite number of choices. You need to see how much time it will take some training materials, the performance of the work itself. MirSovetov want to remind you that the little things and do not forget, let not such important but still makes decent. If time is calculated and laid out correctly, all your affairs will be made in time. A time for laziness will not.
And now to share with you my little "development". I really like, after work, sitting up late at night. A pair of finishing touches and you can admire the job done. This encourages efficiency and improve mood. And do not forget to praise themselves for their work, even if you do not all because of your work!

The third phase of struggle against laziness, the final

After a break to take a simple job to warm up after completing the second stage it is reasonable to assume that laziness out of the quagmire we have.
But it does not prevent us from getting there again. In order not to indulge in conditions such as parasites, must abide by certain rules. Conversely, not even the rules, and simple tips and instructions. After all, out of laziness is more difficult than preventing this condition.
Laziness begins when, after the holiday you want to relax a little. This situation is easily remedied with a little willpower, forcing himself to do some minor work. It can even be called a warm-up. During the main cause of this condition should not be taken as you get bored quickly. And then you decide which is better still go and rest again.
It is also very often begins with a lazy shot into sleep mode. Usually this happens at the end of the week to work on Friday-Saturday. Keeping in mind that do not have to wake up tomorrow morning, its very tempting to sit down to watch up to 4 nights on the internet or watch a DVD for a long time. Besides all this laziness is very often starts with a bad mood on Saturday morning. Its very easy to remove a cold shower, and then go to the store for something tasty.
And, in my opinion, the most lovable sloth door - playful. Plan, in time, in the apartment when you do not know what to take.
Much time is spent on it, so sit down and think about it. And in the end it turns out that almost nothing is done. The best solution in this case will be about planning the next day and the desire to preserve at least some, but the order in all things.

These tips will be enough to get started. They can easily be applied to almost everyone. We hope you triumph over laziness and success in subsequent work.

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