Senin, 26 September 2011

Interview tips

Interview tips fit a lot in various posts. But I will discuss how to interview effectively.
Your job application is received, this is the first success - a specialist recruiter called and arranged a meeting. Now is the most difficult stage - the interview, where we have to prove that in fact you are not just as good on paper. In order not to lose face, be prepared to get 100%. Success

Gather information about the company

Tip The first step in the interview is to gather information about the company where you have to go. The information obtained can show an interest in future work will show that you are careful and competent. And to help navigate the best way to apply yourself.
Information that might be useful:

• What products or services the organization offers, as well as implement it?

• How old was he in the market, as it developed?

• What is happening in your area take?

• What are the leaders of the organization, how often to change the boss?

• How many people are employed by the company if there is staff turnover?

• Are there any downsizing over the last three years? Why?

• What new projects are in the organization?

• Public or private? a foreign entity and the overseas connections?

• In any large, well-known professional associations include the organization?

• There are often mentioned in the media as an estimate - positive or negative? Why?

It would be nice to know about how things work in the industry, which employs the company you're interested: it grew or stagnated, some prospects and problems have.
Information can be extracted from various sources. Read the press - newspapers, magazines. Be sure to engage the Internet. Carefully review the company's web site. Find annual reports (many companies now in the public domain), flyers and brochures. Pay attention not only on the contents of the official site, but also for design, style of presentation, regular updates. Type the company name in the search engine and see what they wrote about it in the electronic media, on blogs and forums.

Take care of yourself

Prepare a small story about yourself. Build a narrative in the mainstream of future vacancies. Focus on the information obtained about the company. Think about how you will respond to dangerous questions from recruiters.
A good rummage in the memory, and set up some bright stories from your professional past: employers are often interested in specific examples of how you act in real situations. Be prepared for what will be asked to share not only successes but also failures. Each story must be told for 1-3 minutes, long story with lots of detail not appropriate. In the course of the narrative emphasizes some of the skills used in solving the problem, we have learned, what benefits can bring to the company.

Remember, when answering the question matters not only what you say but how. Experienced recruiters assess the personal qualities of candidates is based on nonverbal communication: tone, facial expressions, gestures.

Make a list of questions that need to determine the personnel officer at the interview. As for jobs, for recruitment, probation, salary, social package, working on weekends and holidays. Write down all the questions at the right time to not forget anything.
Collect a set of documents that need to be owned. Pre-check with a specialist recruiters that he wanted to see. One passport is sufficient, while others require a complete set:

• the identity document;
• continue;
• work history;
• education diploma;
• awards, certificates and awards;
• letters of recommendation;
• portfolio.

Disassemble the commode

Prepare clothes that go into the interview. The main advice: choose a costume, guided by the features of the company's future and adopt the style (it is available from the office manager).
Psychologists recommend a strict dress but not too close. The most suitable colors - gray, blue and dark brown, probably better to exclude the black, red and green.
At any time, under the ban mini-skirts, shirts and blouses, even partially open the abdomen, back or chest. No clothes that fit and sporty emphasis: the interview there is a place for jeans, T-shirts, shoes and beach sandals. The other extreme - clothes with ruffles, folds.

This is interesting:
Former director of employment services at Northwestern University (Boston, USA), FS Endicott analyze the main reasons why the U.S. is most often rejected applicants. In the first place was "pathetic" in the second - "Manners, know-all", the third - "Failure to communicate:. With a weak voice, poor diction error" was only twenty-nine (!) - "Little Knowledge is special. "

All, of course, aware that the appearance - not the most important thing in the employee, but still before the interview should be more careful to make toilets. Unfortunately, there are still some people in the world, looks to be an invincible barrier to employment. It wrinkled, with dirt-seekers to see prostitutes. In a series of candidates they are often discordant with the hands and nails well groomed. They, of course, we should remember the slogan "Life scented soap and a soft towel!" Even before the interview. Joke, joke, however, said the agency personnel directly contradict the secretary without a manicure, because their hands - this is the first thing visitors see. For the future operator loyalty fewer PCs: first they were sent to a manicure, and then invited for a second interview.
Incidentally, it also happens that went for an interview with the brand, and suddenly the pool, passing cars, dirt fountains ... This is not fatal. Right at the beginning of a brief meeting to explain what happened. In this situation turned out to be one, and the stained pants you tend to lead to sympathy, not condemnation.

Keep the little things

Detail in advance, ask your office manager how to get to the office and entered into it, so at the last moment not in a hurry to find the halls of the building proper and not to break through the cordon of guards, a very demanding graduate.
On the day of interview to calculate the time so look at the office 10-15 minutes before starting. Foamy competitor, ran into the room in half an hour late, very annoying recruiters at agencies. Personnel officers in companies, too, they are not very welcome. But if it happens that you're still going to be late, be sure to call and inform.
Given the name and title of person to whom you will interview. Just note the name is not enough. People frantically digging in their pockets, said: "I came to interview with this ... ... like it there ... when ..." is not a reliable impression of an employee.
And one more thing. Go to the office where the interview will take place, do not forget to turn off the handset. It is unlikely that the recruitment of staff would like to ring loud calls in the middle of a conversation. Yes, and phone calls during interviews with friends is better not to start. But if there is an urgent need to be connected (eg, some problems in the family), must notify the interviewer in advance.

Listen to the experience of seasoned

After wandering in blogs and forums for jobs, find some tips that applicants share with each other. Although these recommendations seem silly at first glance, they have a reasonable grain.
• Do not drink alcohol before the interview, even in small doses. The next day the focus will be much worse, and "postalkogolny" flavor, although mild, can alert the personnel department.
• Do not drink before the interview a lot of tea, coffee or water. There are cases where the applicants are very pleased to successfully rushing around the office to find a toilet, and asking for help is difficult or not for anyone.
• Beauty sleep before you go for an interview. Half-asleep state, certainly does not add strength and confidence.
And lastly, a very important part of counsel. Interview - this is not a fight for life and not a trick off. It was just a meeting with a man who can become future partners. Or maybe not, but then there are others.

Is what can I conclude the interview tips
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