Minggu, 11 September 2011

tips procedure and treatments combining exercise


How to combine exercises and treatments tips procedure ? What makeup should be brought to the club?

For many women, undergoing fitness is to lose weight, make it into the ideal body. In fact, exercise combined with an appropriate diet. But if you want to get more use effects of this procedure, and in complete cosmetic treatments.

We will talk about tips professional procedures and the use of special cosmetics. If the algorithm is to build self-care and skin problems can be avoided, and the "uneven" weight. Moreover, you keep your face smooth and clean, even if the exercise is very intense.

Today, many sports clubs offer courses in a series of "Fitness Plus Beauty." In addition to training, you can select specific programs for the face and body.

Concentrated weight

Let's start with the most popular - a weight loss program. If you train two or three times a week, you can accelerate the transformation of the form, add beauty schedule a visit or a massage therapist in a week. Depending on the problem, you can make cellulite, lymphatic drainage or lifting procedures.

Sometimes a person with regular trains, heavy walking, but the volume is almost unchanged.
Body in the case, looks like a loose, loose. To solve this problem will help lymphatic drainage professional. This procedure is literally thrown away the excess water, and finally get the elasticity of your body.

The best effect of lymph drainage massage techniques specially hand. Specialist with his own hands to feel the patient's problems and adapt to its features. This is better than the manual techniques of hardware. Although the past is also quite effective, especially in combination with manual exposure.

There are other ways, very simple and effective way to deal with problem areas. Use the active drug just before exercise. The tool produces many well-known manufacturers - for example, Janssen, Decleor, and more.

The scheme works best in two steps. First, you apply to problem areas termogel, which warms the skin. And on top of it - is concentrated drug for weight loss. Then plug in the sport - and advanced to the gym. While you do drugs modeling work with your body.

Fitness lifting:
 tips on how to combine exercise and treatments It happens that the amount of contrast, goes too fast. So maybe the problem with sagging skin. In this case, your best bet is the pull-up procedure. It is most often a combination of whole body exfoliation with massage and wrap.

In order to look to tighten and strengthen the skin, enough to make 10-15 procedures at weekly intervals. Then you can periodically support the session. It is also important to establish a competent nursing home and applied daily to the skin firming cream or serum.

By the way, there are two phase systems with a lifting effect - such as to reduce the volume. First you put on your skin termogel, and on it - concentrate on tightening. Then the effect will increase every day, and the skin very quickly once again become elastic.

Another important issue related to the quality of the skin - is the emergence of signs of wrinkles. If you know that your skin is not very flexible, starting right from the first prevention training. Very good level of chemical peeling, which increases skin elasticity and adjust the stretch.

Life-giving heat

Dating to the sauna after a workout - it is a great way to get rid of fatigue and to stimulate muscle recovery. And saunas are great for those who want to lose weight.

It is very important to remember the sense of proportion. Do not think that the longer you will sit in the steam room, a strong will to lose weight. Sauna is useful only if you use the meter. Ideally, the residence time in the steam room physicians must determine the fitness club.

On average, after a workout to do three good approximation for the sauna. For the first time just sitting in the steam room a few minutes, depending on individual tolerance. Before the second pass, valid for large body sea salt scrub or made on that basis.
Then again sit in the steam room a few minutes.

At this time the body will actively remove toxins and excess fluids. Then rinse and scrub the desire to make another visit. Then - a cold shower, hydration or nutrition, depending on skin type. After this procedure, you will feel reborn literally. And the muscles the next day will not complain

Fitness Makeover '
Despite the fact that a sports club we are working on a beauty's body, people also need our care. We sweat during exercise, to treat people with dirty hands, and even the skin can come into contact with the mat. All this often leads to inflammation, especially in women with skin problems.

Therefore, before exercise is best to remove makeup and wearing a facial moisturizing cream or emulsion cleaning for your skin type. In order not to carry extra cans and bottles, try to get a tissue. Now comes a lot of varieties for all skin types.

If you normally carry with tap water, try foaming wipes. Before use, they should be wet, and they will turn into a kind of foam "sponge." They clean well and leaves skin with a pleasant sensation of freshness means Maybelline.

A sensitive skin is more suitable conventional wet wipes. If they are marked as "two-in-one", this often means that they are suitable for removing makeup with age.

If, after using skin tissue does not contract and you feel comfortable, the cream can not be applied.
If there is a feeling of dryness, it is best to moisturize the skin further.

Now a few words directly to the make-up. Many women can not part with even in the gym. In this case, I suggest to use the most resistant eye makeup - mascara or eyeliner. From the sharp shadows that must be abandoned, they can flake off and clog pores.

Putting makeup
Ideal for the gym - mini-pack tool, called the travel kit. Unfortunately, such a kit purchased at a grocery store is difficult. But if you travel a lot, go to the Duty Free shop, where the sets are usually represented in a range.

If the set of ground is not found, try to get the traditional way. The first step is to put the sport package makeup wipes to clean the skin. You will also need moisturisers. Not bad to bring a few drives, and padded sticks. They are very useful if you need to adjust the make-up. Add to kit you need a set of decorative cosmetics.

Now we complete the composition of the body. Here you definitely need-antiperspirant. Deodorant Well, if it smells neutral. Taste is too loud in a confined space can create discomfort of others.

Also comes in handy shower gels, except it provides the club does not exist. If you train in the morning, choose a gel with a refreshing orange or the smell of flowers. And for those who prefer to study at night, meaning more in line with a gentle relaxing aroma.

Good idea to bring a towel or cloth gloves stiff. They will help you every time, bathing, holding the light body exfoliation.

Be sure to bring your body lotion or cream. This will soften and moisturize the skin. Do not forget to separate the cream or powder for the feet. Well, if he would have the effect of disinfectant. Indeed, in general it is difficult for a bath at 100% to protect the skin from the foot infection.

Your body will be the ideal plus the healthy skin when undergoing the procedure tips

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