Sabtu, 03 September 2011

What to drink after a jog? Tips and recipes.


It's no secret that during intense jogging and sweating, our body loses a lot of nutrients. Running out of salts of potassium, sodium and magnesium - the most important blood electrolytes. Running out of calcium, essential for bone health.

During exercise the muscles to consume carbohydrates - "fuel" for the main energy and protein - the essential building blocks for muscle tissue growth. That is why it is very important to replenish substances that are needed after exercise. Today, we give some simple advice to share recipes and sports drinks at home is simple.

What to drink after a jog
The main goal after a workout - to make the body fluid balance and replenish nutrients. Experts offer several options for their thirst after the race.

Mineral water without gas

Both are in the composition are present all the essential minerals and salts. They quickly make up for water and electrolyte balance well digested. Minus drinks - in the absence of carbohydrates. However, their share is likely to fill the snack: dried fruit, candied fruit, a teaspoon of honey.

Fresh juice

They can drink before exercise, and after it. Ideally, the juice must be fresh drink and be not earlier than 30 minutes to run. But after the end of a glass of fresh juice to pamper yourself you can immediately.
Make sure that the juice was not cold - taking care neck reddened and pancreas - he does not like cold drinks, and they absorb a little longer.


It's worth a lot to drink protein, calcium and vitamin D3. It works well for muscle recovery after running, but drinking milk must be no earlier than 30 minutes after the race. If not, then it will be worse than assimilated.

Sports drinks and special mix

Probably the best option, because they are very balanced in every case. There are drinks to improve aerobic properties for fast, rapid muscle recovery growth.
But for the same reason you do not have to use a mixture of sport without a recommendation from a coach or a qualified consultant. Only a qualified specialist can tell what the drink, how much and how long after the end of the walk would be best for you.


Recently, U.S. researchers have found that drinking cocoa after jogging cold very helpful. Natural milk, including protein and calcium, in addition, good cocoa filling carbohydrates.
The only negative - the caffeine in chocolate are useless in the first minute of jogging. Therefore, a cup of cocoa can not reward yourself sooner than half an hour after exercise.


At first glance, the recommendation is very strange. But recently, Spanish scientists have called this drink is one of the most suitable for recovery after intense athletic stress. In the beer contained vitamins, yeast precious, an amino acid complex.
True, we are talking about the beer is not pasteurized and some very small - less than 100 grams. In addition, it is recommended to wash with water, and using a mixture of water and beer can be no earlier than two hours after exercise.

Home fitness drink recipes

Pamper yourself after jogging can be very delicious and healthy homemade beverages. And if necessary, you can prepare yourself for a drink of training. This drink is freshly prepared perfectly quench thirst and fill the balance of substances that are needed, both before and after the race.
The only thing to remember, all domestic drinks are made, usually based on the sweet juice or sugar, so as to maintain healthy teeth, it is advisable to rinse your mouth after drinking plain water.

Here are some simple recipes:

Drinking lemon: 2 liters of water would need 120 grams of sugar, 3 tablespoons. lemon juice, a pinch of sea salt. Materials are mixed. Serving as needed during and after running.

Drinking water and salt solution: to get 2 liters of water 120 g sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt.
Incidentally, this solution is very likely to replace the pharmaceutical drug "Rehydron" - bag divorces per 1 liter of drinking and balanced solution ready!

Mead: 1 liter of water add 100 g of honey and ½ teaspoon of salt.

Drinking orange: for 1 liter of water to take 120 ml of orange juice (preferably freshly prepared), and add ½ teaspoon of salt. This drink is also stored in the refrigerator for 3 days. Drinking as you can during practice, and after it.

Concentrate to 600 ml of drink fresh orange juice (can substitute apple) + 1 teaspoon of sea salt. Mix and store in refrigerator. If necessary, the concentrate can be diluted - in 2 parts water 1 part concentrate, or just drink mineral water without gas.
When choosing what to drink after the run, do not forget that the drink should not only useful but also tasty, so be guided by their tastes and preferences do not forget about the meaning of size.

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